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Physicians leading physicians in Personal Finance


Busy professionals often feel overwhelmed when thinking about investing.
See whether an MD, who has developed his own investment systems and financial plan to enable himself to semi-retire at age 45, might be able to help you plan and invest.
How do we invest? We hide no secrets.
"I believe investing need not be complicated. So easy, even a doctor can do it."
David Yeh

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Sorry for the disclaimers at the bottom, guys! Brian, in his enthusiasm, made it seem like I was going to be the next Warren Buffett. No way am I going to promise that! But glad he's impressed with my book! - David Yeh

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David Yeh, MD
Nuclear Physician
Investment Advisor Representative
Investment Systems Developer

David is a practicing physician, speaker, best-selling author, investment advisor, and founder of The Wealthy Doctor Institute.


David has spent 20 years researching, back testing, and refining straightforward investment systems that have allowed him to semi-retire at 45 years old. David’s techniques combine the tools of traditional money managers, the risk mitigation techniques of active market traders, and the pattern recognition and quantitative analytic skills of diagnostic physicians into practical systems that a reasonable busy doctor can realistically implement.



Our Founder
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